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Visits from Family and Friends

Originally posted March 15, 2020


Getting Bartletts off the tree a few days after harvest means a little sweeter pear. Cousin Tiffany Frost, niece Chloe, her friend, Baily, and her grandmother Cherie Bates get pears in mid to late July. This is the best time for picking the Bartletts in the Delta as they’re sweeter but not yet getting yellow on the tree. Bartlett pears are one of the varieties that need to be picked while still green and ripen fully in a bowl on the kitchen counter.


We love it when families come out year after year! Our good friend Ellen, shown here with two generations of family, visit yearly.

Beverly Spring comes over after both Bartlett and Bosc harvests—so fun to see her, especially as she brings over her ripened-on-the-tree O'Henry peaches with her.

Lower left, Beverly with daughter-in-law Erin, with her son, Arthur, and his pear, as well as her other grandchildren, Max and Maddie; they have grown so since they last came!

In the last photo, Arthur runs through the pear trees finding his biggest pear to show.


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